Savant Lighting Control

Savant Lighting Control, UPB, has transformed home automation LiteTouch® products into a dynamic lighting control, check out UPB Simply Automated UPB lighting, solution that can be used as part of a complete package within Savant’s automation and energy management ecosystem or as a standalone … [READ MORE]

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UPB Fan Control Leviton HAI/HLC UPB

broconne Dedicated Cocooner Posted 23 May 2014 – 09:10 PM I posted this UPB fan control, Leviton HAI/HLC UPB, Simply Automated UPB fan controller over in the original thread but this might be a better place to ask.  Now that there is a … [READ MORE]

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Advanced X10 Lighting Automated Outdoor UPB

Normally, home automation, lighting control, X-10 lighting, UPB, one uses a motion sensor to control lights directly with X10 commands or indirectly via a “virtual wiring” macro in programs such as Active Home which sends the X10 light commands from … [READ MORE]

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