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Home Automation Lighting Control PC-Configured Products

Single-Rocker Dimmers Deluxe Dimmer Controllers Fan & Scene
Remote 3
or 4 Way Dimmers
Tabletop Pedestal Computer Interface Modules Phase
Starter Kits Other
Dimmer Switch (White)
Dimmer Controller Base
Optional Faceplates
Single Circuit Base
Dual Circuit Base
Optional Faceplates
Label Kit
3-Speed Fan Controller (white)
3-Speed Fan Controller Base
Scene Controller (White)
Scene Controller Base
Label Kit
Dimmer Controller (White)
Dimmer Controller Base
Optional Faceplates
Lamp (Dimming) Module
Appliance (Relay) Module
Input/Output Module
Receptacle Module
Dimming Fixture Module
Relay Fixture Module
8-Button Tabletop Pedestal
Tabletop Pedestal with Universal Dimmer Controller Base
Housing Tabletop Pedestal
Label Kit
USB Computer Interface Module
RS-232 Serial Computer Interface Module
3-Phase Repeater Module
Wire-In Phase Coupler
Breaker-Box Mount Phase Coupler
Plug-In 30A Phase Coupler
Plug-In 50A Phase Coupler
Home Automation Basic Dimmer Starter Kit
Home Automation Dimmer Starter Kit w/USB CIM, Wire-In Phase Coupler
Home Automation Dimmer Starter Kit w/USB CIM,
Breaker-Box Mount Phase Coupler
Home Automation Dimmer Starter Kit w/Serial CIM, Wire-In Phase Coupler
Home Automation Dimmer Starter Kit w/Serial CIM, Breaker-Box Mount Phase Coupler


Simply Automated
UPB 3-Speed Ceiling Fan Controller


UPB 3-Speed Fan Controller Base
Includes 3-Speed Ceiling Fan Controller Base
Requires Optional 4-Button Oval or Thin-Bar
Faceplate (2 Faceplate Options in 6 Colors) 
Ordering Information: UCQF

Model: UCQF Data Sheet


SimplyBrilliant® UCQF is a UPB Transceiver / Ceiling Fan Controller Base with one (1) three speed fan control output (2.5 Amp Max.) for high, medium and low speed control. With a faceplate attached the top button is high, second from top is medium and third from top is low speed. These buttons are fixed (hard wired) to the fan output through a capacitive speed control circuit for quiet fan operation. It also has one On/Off light circuit output (300W Max.), which is controlled by the bottom button.

The UCQF base requires a 4-button faceplate. Oval button (ZS24OS Series) and Thin-Bar button (ZS24BS Series)  faceplates are sold separately, easily changed in the home, and available in white, almond, light almond, ivory, black or brown. The model UCQF-W includes a white, oval button faceplate (Model ZS24OS Series) attached to the UCQF controller base. Custom label kits are available (model ZLK-01S ), so the buttons and status LEDs can be custom labeled to identify lighting scenes.

The UCQF (-W) transmits and receives UPB lighting scene links. Lighting scene links sent by other UPB devices or UPB compatible controllers can control the fan and light circuit of the UCQF. Similarly the lighting scene links, transmitted with each button press of the UCQF, can control other UPB dimmers and relay modules.

If a remote for the fan controller is desired (e.g. virtual 3-way or 4-way fan control), the UCQT Scene Controller is ideal since it looks identical to the UCQF.  The UCQT is a 4 button transmitter (no output circuits) with status LEDs.  It can be used to transmit UPB lighting scene links and control the UCQF, just like it is the fan controller. The UCQT also fits nicely in the Tabletop Pedestal accessory (model or –BK, white or black) and is available as an assembled unit (model USQT). It is great for bedside or table top fan and lighting control, complete with LED status indication.



The UCQF and UCQF-W are used for ceiling fan control and light control. Straight out of the box it will control a fan with the factory default settings; high, medium, low and off using the top to bottom buttons respectively. If the light control output connected to button 4 will be used, it will be necessary to configure the unit so the bottom button will not turn off the fan. Configuring UPB devices like the UCQF requires UPStart configuration software, a PC and computer interface module (model UMC).

The Fan Controller can also be used to transmit and receive UPB lighting scene links. For example, if there is another light in the room that should be on when the fan is on, then the scene link(s) assigned to one or all three of the fan control buttons can be used to activate a UPB switch connected to the light. Similarly if another UPB switch in the room needs to control the fan, then a rocker or a button on that switch should be configured to transmit one or all three of the fan controller button's scene links. If multiple fan controllers will be used in the home, then it will be necessary to configure each of them with different scene links to prevent them all from turning on/off at the same time. The factory default links used are #101-104. Or in the case where there are multiple fans in the room, it may be desirable to have them both turning on and off at the same time. In that case the same scene links should be used.

To automate fan control, there are a number of options. The simplest might be the use of the Scheduler-Timer (model UCS), where a timed event can be set so the fan comes on at certain times of the day. Or it can be set to turn off the fan automatically at any desired time. An example of this is if the fan is unintentionally being left on after hours. The scheduler timer can be set to turn off the fan and lights after everyone has gone to sleep, or left the house for the work/school day.

Another automation example includes control from a security panel or whole home controller with UPB capability and a thermostat. For example, if whole home controller has a thermostat connected, then the controller can usually be configured to send scene links upon certain events. Maybe the fan should turn on at some temperature or temperature differential based on the thermostat reading. Or the controller could tell the fan to turn on/off automatically when the air conditioning or heater turns on/off.



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